Changes to this Blog

Concerning my previous post, I’ve decide that I’m not going to be splitting the blog or narrowing my focus (at least for now).  I’ve come up with another idea to bring a little continuity to my blog. Each month I’ll try to think of a theme that I’ll focus on. Of course I might diverge from the theme here and there, but I’ll try to still keep my focus on that month’s chosen theme.

I know we’re already a ways into this month but since I just came up with this idea, I decided that for the remainder of the month I’ll be focusing on a theme. The chosen theme for March is kitchen arts and crafts! I don’t want to ruin any surprises, so let’s just say that I have a wide variety of things I plan on covering this month.

The other change I want to begin utilizing is a posting schedule. My posts up until now have been fairly random. I have posted multiple times in one day and other times I don’t post anything for days on end. I plan on posting on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I still haven’t decided what Monday’s focus is going to be, maybe I’ll just keep it random. Wednesday will be “craftopia” where I’ll be featuring crafts that I’ve made. Friday will be “arsty fartsy friday”  where I’ll share art that I’ve made.

Again, any input you may have about these plans would be greatly appreciated. I guess we’ll just have to see how this new plan works out for my blog.

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